Residential & Mixed Use developments

Future-proofing smart developments with a Scalable core fibre network

Scalable Connection

CoreFibre help developers deliver tenants with an optimised, future-ready data environment and maximise financial returns on their Residential and Mixed Use Development.

Your Infrastructure Central Nervous System

Our managed, single-core fibre network designed to provide tenants with an optimised, future-ready data environment. It plays a key role in maximising financial returns for your Residential & Mixed Use development infrastructure, serving as its central nervous system.

Seamless connectivity requires a seamless infrastructure

As a licensed Carrier CoreFibre design and install Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), also known as Fibre to the Home (FTTH), to deliver high-speed internet, voice, and video services directly to residential and business premises.

  • Enhanced Telecommunications: Fibre optic networks can support high-quality voice services, including Voice over IP (VoIP) technology, enabling reliable and cost-effective telephony services for residents and businesses within the development.
  • Security and Privacy: Fibre optic networks offer increased security and privacy compared to other types of networks. Fibre optic signals are difficult to intercept or tap, providing a higher level of data security and protection for residents and businesses within the development.
  • Scalability: Fiber optic networks are highly scalable and can accommodate the growth and expansion of residential and mixed-use developments. Additional subscribers can be easily added to the network using optical splitters, without compromising the overall network performance.
  • Property Value and Marketability: Fibre optic infrastructure has become a desirable feature for potential residents and businesses. Properties with fibre optic connectivity are often more marketable and can command higher rental or purchase prices due to the increased value and quality of the internet and telecommunication services provided.

Residential & Mixed Use Features

High Speed Fibre Internet

High-speed internet

GPON networks provide symmetrical gigabit speeds, offering residents and businesses ultra-fast and reliable internet connectivity. This ensures seamless online experiences for activities like streaming, gaming, video conferencing, and large data transfers.

Scalable Fibre Network


GPON networks have a high capacity to handle increasing bandwidth demands. As the needs of the development's residents grow, the network can easily be expanded without the need for significant infrastructure changes.

Cost Effective Fibre Network


GPON networks are cost-efficient compared to traditional copper-based networks. Fiber-optic cables have a longer lifespan, reduced maintenance requirements, and lower energy consumption, resulting in lower operational costs over time.

Fibre to Property

Enhanced property value

Access to high-speed fibre internet is a sought-after amenity in modern living. Properties with GPON networks are more attractive to potential buyers and tenants, positively impacting the property's value and marketability.

Connected IOT Services in DevelopmentsFibre Network Design for Apartments

Future-proofing your infrastructure

Introducing new technologies and services? Not a problem with CoreFibre.

GPON networks are designed to support emerging technologies and services. By implementing GPON infrastructure, residential and mixed-use developments can stay ahead of technological advancements without significant upgrades.


As the demand for high-speed connectivity continues to rise, developers and property managers must ensure that their buildings are equipped with robust cabling infrastructure to meet the needs of tenants.

We have compiled a list of common questions that developers often have when implementing cabling solutions in Build to Rent projects. Explore the answers below to gain valuable insights and guidance on how to optimize your cabling infrastructure for seamless connectivity and tenant satisfaction.

What is a GPON network?

GPON stands for Gigabit Passive Optical Network. It is a high-speed fibre-optic telecommunications technology that utilises passive optical splitters to deliver data, voice, and video services to multiple users in residential and mixed-use developments.

How does a GPON network work?

In a GPON network, a single optical fibre is used to serve multiple users by using passive optical splitters to split the signal into multiple channels. Each channel can carry data to individual users, providing high-speed internet, voice, and video services.

What are the advantages of using GPON networks in residential and mixed-use developments?

GPON networks offer several advantages, including high-speed internet, scalability for future growth, cost-effectiveness, reliability, future-proofing, enhanced property value, improved user experience, service bundling opportunities, reduced construction lead times, and eco-friendliness.

How does GPON contribute to enhanced property value in residential developments? 

Access to high-speed fiber internet is considered a desirable amenity in modern living. Properties with GPON networks are more attractive to potential buyers and tenants, which can positively impact the property's value and marketability.

Can GPON networks support the increasing bandwidth demands of modern technology?

Yes, GPON networks are highly scalable and can support the growing bandwidth demands of modern technology. They can easily accommodate increased data traffic and emerging services without the need for significant infrastructure changes.

Are GPON networks reliable?

Yes, GPON networks are known for their reliability and stability. Fiber-optic cables are immune to electromagnetic interference, providing a stable and consistent internet connection with minimal downtime.

How does implementing GPON infrastructure during construction benefit the development?

Integrating GPON infrastructure during the construction phase simplifies the installation process and reduces lead times. This can result in potential cost savings and ensure that the development is equipped with state-of-the-art connectivity from the start.

Can service providers bundle different services over a GPON network?

Yes, GPON networks allow service providers to bundle various services, such as internet, voice, and video. This bundling provides residents with convenient and cost-effective package options.

Is GPON technology environmentally friendly?

Yes, GPON networks are eco-friendly. They consume less power compared to traditional copper-based networks, contributing to a greener and more sustainable development.

How does a GPON network contribute to improved user experience?

GPON networks deliver high-speed and low-latency connections, enhancing the overall user experience for residents and businesses. This results in improved productivity and customer satisfaction.