Greenfield developments

Future-proofing smart developments with a Scalable core fibre network


CoreFibre help developers deliver property owners with an optimised, future-ready data environment and maximise their new Property Developments by differentiating from their competitors

Your Infrastructure Central Nervous System

Our managed, single-core fibre network designed to provide tenants with an optimised, future-ready data environment. It plays a key role in maximising financial returns for your Greenfield development infrastructure, serving as its central nervous system.

Fibre to the Home or Premises

CoreFibre provide small and large property developers with a opportunity to give their new home owners much more then a simple NBN Connection into their home.

We specialise in offering Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) and Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) solutions, providing new homeowners with a range of choices. Our expertise lies in the design and installation of both FTTH and FTTP systems. We leverage the most advanced and future-proof broadband connectivity options to deliver ultra-fast and dependable internet speeds. Our services offer symmetrical upload and download speeds, ensuring optimal performance. Furthermore, our systems can accommodate a diverse array of services and applications.

Fibre for Greenfield developmentsFibre Network for Greenfield developments

High-quality and reliable broadband connectivity to every home or business

Our team can assist with infrastructure planning, network design, and deployment to ensure high-quality and reliable broadband connectivity for the properties within the development.

Options for remote sites while waiting on major telco infrastructure can include:

  • Fixed Wireless Broadband: Uses radio signals to deliver internet connectivity to properties. It involves the installation of wireless transmission equipment in strategic locations, such as communication towers, to provide high-speed internet access. Fixed wireless can be a viable option for remote or rural greenfield developments where laying fibre optic cables may not be feasible.
  • Satellite Broadband: Utilises satellite technology to provide internet connectivity. It can be an option for greenfield developments in remote or rural areas where other wired or wireless options may not be readily available. Satellite broadband can offer reasonably fast speeds but may have higher latency compared to other technologies.